

My usual fee for the sessions is $170.

They usually last from 75 – 90 minutes.

Occasionally with a small client free of serious problems they may be as short as 60 minutes.

We charge by the session. Rolfers who do their sessions in 60 minutes charge as much per session as those of us who take longer. That is just the way it is. Fees also vary by location. I pay $175 for 60 minute sessions in Los Angeles. Some locations are over $200. Nashville is in the middle of the pack on this.

 I offer 75-90 minute introductory sessions for $110.

These give a potential client a chance to learn more about Rolfing; allow me to really understand the client’s situation, history and goals. I will be honest with someone about how well I believe Rolfing will suit their goals. That takes 20-30 minutes. Then we’ll have a hour or so to work together to see how it feels to both of us.

 As a humanitarian I want everyone who wants to be Rolfed to be able to get the work. Therefore I will consider a sliding fee scale of $110 up for the sessions. Thus if someone paid $110 a session and got Rolfed once a month they could get Rolfed for $21 a week. (4 1/3 weeks in a month)  I also do some pro bono work. Dr. Rolf encouraged all Rolfers to do that.